nativiste - traducción al francés
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nativiste - traducción al francés

n. nativist, philosopher who supports nativism
Ejemplos de pronunciación para nativiste
1. in a nativist theater?
The Chinese Lady _ Nancy E. Davis _ Talks at Google
2. established a very strong nativist organization
The Chinese Lady _ Nancy E. Davis _ Talks at Google
3. So that's one example, that nativist thread
The Chinese Lady _ Nancy E. Davis _ Talks at Google
4. But by 1836, nativist tensions in New Orleans
The Chinese Lady _ Nancy E. Davis _ Talks at Google
5. going on at the time with the nativist movement.
The Chinese Lady _ Nancy E. Davis _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de nativiste
1. L‘opinion américaine est travaillée au corps par un courant «nativiste» anti–latino; ce n‘est pas le moment de lui donner les armes supplémentaires qu‘il attend.